Programming electronics has never been easier with Adafruit's , which lets users quickly and conveniently transfer code files and assets from the Adafruit Learn Systems to their Adafruit devices.
We worked with our friends over at Digi-Key to create a kit that is the perfect set of hardware for exploring PyLeap. The main board in this kit is the , which is designed for projects that use a ton of sensors - and they're all built-in! So you can start exploring your world, measuring, logging, and learning. You can transmit data over Bluetooth to a computer or mobile device for data plotting and logging, or save it to the built-in storage. We included a few other accessories that can be built into a bunch of great projects - you will be a PyLeap expert in no time!
Included in the Hackbox:
- Stickers!
Here are a few great projects to take your PyLeap adventure to the next level!